Sign up for the DC Electric Bike Incentive Program!
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For half the price of DC's electric bikeshare options, you can now rent and return shared bikes whenever you like. Just download the app, scan, and ride.
Go anywhere in the city, for as long as you want, with our innovative pricing structure.The only rule is you must return the bikes to the parking zone outside King.
$1.00 to unlock
$0.30/minute while riding
$0.01/minute while paused
Anybody who wants to make a trip from Columbia Plaza and return back later. Residents, office workers, students -- anyone who has the app. Remember - if you want to make a one way trip only, best to use another service.
Just like other scan-to-start bikeshares. The difference is you pause your trip at your destination (which locks the bike), and you can only finish your rental when you have returned to King.
Best uses are small trips like shopping, appointments, meals, visiting friends, and classes. But with the low "Pause" price of $0.01/minute, you can use it to go to work as well.
We can supply you the bikes and manage it for you! Reach out for more information.